COVID-19 Policy

Recent experience has made us all aware of how easily respiratory illnesses like Covid-19, flu, and RSV can be transmitted, and the risk of serious illness that such infections present. In particular we note that the risk of spreading respiratory infections is heightened in settings involving wind players and singers – a common occurrence at Capitol Early Music events. At the same time a variety of factors have reduced the number of cases and the risk of serious effects from infection. Consequently, we have modified our current policy as follows:

If you have been ill with flu, RSV, Covid-19, or other respiratory illness, please stay home unless you have been symptom-free for 24 hours. 

Masks are welcome, but not required, for concert-goers and workshop participants.

In addtion, workshop participants need not submit a negative Covid test before attending a workshop. But if you have recently been ill, please do not attend the workshop, unless you have been symptom-free for 24 hours. Tuition will be refunded for cancellations due to illness.

If conditions regarding the numbers or severity of respiratory infections in our area spike, we may modify our policy as circumstances warrant. We will update this page to reflect the current policy and will notify ticket holders and workshop participants of any changes.

We appreciate your cooperation with these efforts to provide a safe environment to enjoy wonderful music.