November 6-7, 2020
East of the River (Nina Stern, Daphna Mor, Shane Shanahan, Kane Mathis)
Live streamed concert: Reflections Connections
Online classes: Patterns and Shapes in Rhythm and Melody and Music of the Ottoman and Mali Empires
February 1-2, 2020
Ensemble Gentil Galant (Debra Nagy, Mark Rimple, Sarah Cunningham)
Workshop: The Art of Counterpoint at the Dawn of Music Publishing
Concert: First Impressions at the Turn of the 16th Century
October 11-12, 2019
New World Recorders (Rainer Beckman, Hèloïse Degrugillier, Priscilla Herreid, Gwyn Roberts)
Concert: Purcell Fantazias
Workshop: Fantasias & Chaconnes
February 8-9, 2019
Caroline Copeland and Alison Melville (with Mary Findley, Douglas Poplin, Patrick Merrill)
Dance Concert Performance: Le Joie de la Danse
Workshop: Le Mouvement: Baroque Dance for Dancers and Instrumentalists
October 12-13, 2018
Kleine Kammermusik (Geoffrey Burgess, Meg Owens, Rebecca Humphrey, Leon Schelhase)
Concert: Dialogue of the Graces
Workshop: Say What? Reading Music, Conveying Meaning
September 30, 2018
The Rose Ensemble
Concert: Land of Three Faiths: Voices of Ancient Mediterranean Jews, Christians, and Muslims
April 20-21, 2018
Recorders of Tempesta di Mare (Rainer Beckman, Hèloïse Degrugillier, Priscilla Herreid, Gwyn Roberts)
Concert: J. S. Bach’s Art of Fugue
Workshop: Preludes and Fugues
February 2-3, 2018
Parthenia Consort of Viols
Concert: Music with Her Silver Sound: Viol Consorts in the Age of Shakespeare
Workshop: Playing and Singing English Consort Music
October 20-21, 2017
Concert: Rosa das Rosas: Songs of the Virgin Mary
Workshop: Playing and Singing Early Polyphony: 14th-15th century Spanish Treasures
March 31-April 1, 2017
Paige Whitley-Baugess and Hèloïse Degrugillier, (with Mary Findley, Douglas Poplin, Patrick Merrill)
Dance Concert Performance: Characters of the Dance: A Baroque Dance Performance
Workshop: Baroque Dance for Dancers and Instrumentalists
February 3-4, 2017
Kleine Kammermusik (Geoffrey Burgess, Meg Owens, Stephanie Corwin, Rebecca Humphrey, Leon Schelhase)
Concert: Tides and Treaties: Music of the 1720s
Workshop: Baroque Ensembles
December 4, 2016
The Rose Ensemble
Concert: A Rose in Winter: The Miracle of Life in the Dark of Night
January 30, 2016
Concert: O Rosa Bella: Courtly Love Songs of the 14th and 15th Centuries
October 16-17, 2015
Le Bostonades
Concert: Baroque Bouquet: Diverse Sonatas by French and German Masters
Workshop: “Getting It All Together: Playing in Consorts and Ensembles
April 18, 2015
Concert: New Worlds: Polyphonic Music from 16th and 17th Century Italy, England Spain and the Americas
Workshop: Playing with Style
October 10-11, 2014
Three Part Fugue (Hèloïse Degrugillier, Roy Sansom, Emily O’Brien)
Concert: Recorder Kaleioscope
Workshop: Moved by Music
May 31, 2014
Mark Janello
Workshop: Exploring Improvisation on a Bass Line
November 16, 2013
Mark Janello
Workshop: An Exploration of Music Theory
June 7-8, 2013
Gwyn Roberts and Atsuko Watanabe
Concert: The Grand Tour: An Evening of Baroque Music
Master Class