Order Season Tickets or Single Tickets to “Under Diana’s Stars”

Help us keep track of your order by completing the following form, then click on the PayPal button(s) below to make your payment. On this page, you can purchase Season Tickets to all three Capitol Early Music concerts in 2023-2024, General Admission tickets and Student tickets to Under Diana’s Stars. Order a Workshop/Concert Special concert ticket to Under Diana’s Stars on the workshop registration page.

We’ll send a confirmation of your order to the email address you give below. That email will be your “ticket(s)” to the concert and we will also have a list of ticket holders at the door. (If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.)


You can use PayPal or your credit card

Season Ticket – $105

General Admission – $40.00

Student Rate – $15

OR pay by mail. Send your check to Capitol Early Music, PO Box 76124, Washington, DC 20013